Many people think that guinea pigs came from Guinea or New Guinea because of their name, but they really didn't. Guinea pigs originated from South America and the Andes Mountains in Peru. Many people who own guinea pigs as pets just call them "guinea pigs." Others, who show or breed them, call them "cavies." Thier scientific name is "Cavia porcellus." 
     They come in all different breeds and colors. Some breeds are: Abyssinian, Agouti, Short-Hair, Angora, and White-Crested. These breeds/varieties are determined by many factors, including color, length, and fur patterns. Guinea pigs vary in color as well. Some are sandy, some are brown, black, or white, and some are multicolored  too! Some guinea pigs are albino. This means that their fur is white, but their eyes are reddish-pink. My guinea pig Snowflake is an Albino. Click here to see her picture.
     Guinea pigs do not have tails, unlike other rodents like gerbils, hamsters, and mice. They have whiskers and are born with fur. They have two front legs and two hind legs. You can tell what sex a guinea pig is by looking at their underside. Do not turn it over on its back. Guinea pigs, unlike cats, are not very agile, which means they are not flexible. If a guinea pig fell from a height, it would be unable to land on its feet. Guinea pigs feel very insecure when on their back, as well as that their back is not meant to support them when lying down.

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