Hi, My name is Destini.Im 11 years old and got my best friend about a year ago.The start of a new friendship got me so exsited i remeber the exact date i got my her...July,7 2008 and then it happend...the beging of a new friendship.My best friend is my loving and caring GUINEA PIG.I know it sounds lame "my best friend is a guinea pig" but really she is. Her name is Ella,when we first got her,little did we know she was taken away from het mother WAY to early.The reason that we found out was because she wasnt eating,so my mom called the pet store and told them the story the pet store girl told us that the reason she wasnt eating was because she was to youge and doesnt know how to eat pelots.So she told us to put hot water in her food and mush it,and as soon as we did that...well at least I know why they call them pigs!Before we dicoverd the problem my mom told me that we might have to take her back and get a new one.At the tought of doing that i started balling my eye's out,but luckly right now today she is still siting on my lap helping me make thins website.


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